by Elecmi | Aug 13, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
RAMAN LABRAM HR 800 Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a molecular technique that provides in a few minutes chemical and structural information of almost any solid phase, liquid and gas material thus allowing its identification. This technique also allows obtaining chemical...
by Elecmi | Aug 13, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
ESCA XPS Photoelectron spectroscope with X-ray monochromator, argon ion gun for surface cleaning and low energy electron gun to compensate for electric charge. USES OF THE EQUIPMENT Analysis of the contributions of different chemical states of the same element (for...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona, EQUIPMENTS
Bruker D8 Venture X-ray single crystal diffractometer with double Cu and Mo radiation, four circles goniometer, 2D detector and 90 to 400 K temperature control USES OF THE EQUIPMENT Crystal structure determination of new synthesis materials TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, LMA - Zaragoza
XRD: BRUKER D8 ADVANCE HIGH RESOLUTION DIFFRACTOMETER X-ray scattering is routinely used to determine the crystal structure, orientation, lattice parameters and crystal quality in crystalline materials (X-ray diffraction) and thickness, density or roughness of thin...
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