Equipped with a High Brightness Field Emission Gun (XFEG), this microscope can be operated in a wide acceleration voltage range: 60, 80, 200 and 300 kV.
For imaging purposes, it counts with a STEM detector package including BF, ADF, MAADF y HAADF. The STEM MAADF detector (DF4) is segmented into 4 sectors, which allows recording both DPC (Differential Phase Contrast) and iDPC (Integrated Differential Phase Contrast) images. The latter allows recording atomically resolved images depicting chemical contrast, proportional to Z, under very low dose conditions. This technique complements ABF images in the detection of light elements and offers large opportunities for beam-sensitive materials.
For High Resolution HRTEM imaging, it is equipped with 2 complementary cameras : a 4kx4k, high sensitivity CMOS (Zeta) camera and a state-of-the-art Direct Detection System (Gatan K3 IS), for ultralow dose, high speed imaging. This last camera can be used in conjunction with a DENS Solutions Climate G+ system to record in-situ operando experiments.
For analytical purposes, the microscope is equipped with an ultra-high stability HT tank; a gun monochromator for ultrahigh resolution spectroscopic analysis using a Gatan Quantum 966 ERS energy filter; a Super-X system, which integrates 4 windowless SDD X-Ray detectors for XEDS analysis as well as software for simultaneous acquisition of EELS and XEDS spectra (500 spectra/s) in STEM mode.
A wide gap pole piece, special holders and dedicated software allow for automated Electron Tomography both in image and analytical (XEDS, EEELS) modes. Software for batch Electron Tomography is also avaiable.

TEM/STEM Themis UCA microscope allows analyzing the structure and composition of samples with subangstrom resolution (0.06 – 0.07 nm). 2D and 3D (tomographic) information can be obtained in a wide range of conditions, including very low voltage (60 kV) and very low dose illumination, particularly relevant for
Image acquisition:
- Resolution in HR TEM ≈ 0.07 nm (point resolution) @300 kV
- Resolution in HR STEM ≈ 0.07 angstrom @300 kV. Simultaneous imaging with up to 4 different detectors (HAADF, ADF, DF y BF).
- Electron Diffraction: SAED, CBED.
Spectroscopic techniques:
- XEDS analysis (Super-X G2) using 4 window-less SDD detectors providing a solid angle ≈ 0.7 srad (resolution better than 136eV@Mn-Kα a 10,000 cps). Independent readout of each of the 4 detectors.
- EELS spectroscopy using an ultra-high resolution Gatan Quantum ERS 966 Energy Filter/Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer, which allows acquisition of spectra in dual EELS mode (core + loss regions). When combined with the gun monochromator an energy resolution down to 100 meV can be reached.
Electron Tomography studies:
- Two different tomography holders (Fischione Model 2020 y 2021) are available, as well as all the software required for automated acquisition of TEM/STEM tomography experiments both in individual and batch modes.
- Holders and software for analytical tomography (both XEDS and EELS modes).
- Multichannel and Multimodal tomography experiments also available.
Detection of light elements and investigation of beam sensitive materials:
- Detector and software available to record STEM iDPC images
- Direct Electron Detection Gatan K3-IS system
- Low voltage modes: 60 and 80 kV.
- Atomic resolution in TEM/STEM on a variety of materials (polymers, organic-inorganic hybrids, MOFS, COVS,..) using very low beam currents (< 1 pA).
- TEM/STEM/XEDS/EELS alignments at 80 kv and 60 kV. Combination with the gun monochromator allows improving resolution in HRTEM (e.g on graphene based materials,..)
Anaerobic Transfer Studies:
- Holder for anaerobic transfer available (Gatan Elsa – Cryo transfer) which allows the investigation of air sensitive samples.
HREM focal series reconstruction studies:
- ATLAS software available to record and reconstruct HRTEM focal series experiments to extend, improve, resolution in bright field TEM imaging.
- Operating voltage: 60, 80, 200 and 300 kV
- High Brightness X-FEG gun ≥ 7 x 107 A /m2 sr V
- Gun monochomator, which allow energy resolutions down to 100 meV
- Double (probe and objective) aberration corrector (Cs -DCOR)
- STEM image resolution ≈ 0.07 angstrom; TEM image resolution ≈ 0.07 nm (point resolution)
- XEDS Detector system (Chemi-STEM), solid angle of collection ≈ 0.7 srad
- GIF Quantum ERS (966) Energy Filter
- Ceta CMOS camera, 16Mpixels
- Direct Electron Detector System Gatan K3-IS: 1500 fps, 14 Mpixels, DQE (@200kV)>0.87
- Tilting range: ± 40° imaging with conventional holders; ±75° with tomography holders
- Velox software for TEM/STEM image acquisition. Simultaneous recording of XEDS/EELS maps as well as DPC/iDPC image recording
- Atlas software for the acquisition/reconstruction of HRTEM focal series
- Software for automated TEM/STEM tomography experiments. It is posible to record simultaneously up to 4 different signals (BF, DF2, DF4, HAADF, EELS, XEDS)