by ELECMI | Jan 3, 2025 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, LMA - Zaragoza
The X-ray Diffractometer PANalytical Empyrean is a multipurpose diffractometer that offers a wide range of diffraction geometries: reflection, transmission, capillary, Debye-Scherrer, Graze Incident X-ray Diffraction (GIXRD), Small and Wide Angle Scatering (SAXS &...
by ELECMI | Jan 3, 2025 | LMA - Zaragoza, EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface-sensitive quantitative spectroscopic technique mainly used to analyse the surface chemistry of a material. XPS it is one of the most powerful techniques for the study of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. During an...
by ELECMI | Oct 15, 2024 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
ESFOSCAN Type of equipment ESFOSCAN is a photoelectron spectroscope capable of performing chemical and elemental analysis using X-Ray Electron Spectroscopy (XPS), also known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA). Equipment Description ESFOSCAN...
by Elecmi | Aug 13, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
RAMAN LABRAM HR 800 Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a molecular technique that provides in a few minutes chemical and structural information of almost any solid phase, liquid and gas material thus allowing its identification. This technique also allows obtaining chemical...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
Bruker D8 Venture X-ray single crystal diffractometer with double Cu and Mo radiation, four circles goniometer, 2D detector and 90 to 400 K temperature control USES OF THE EQUIPMENT Crystal structure determination of new synthesis materials TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, LMA - Zaragoza
XRD: BRUKER D8 ADVANCE HIGH RESOLUTION DIFFRACTOMETER XRDX-ray scattering is routinely used to determine the crystal structure, orientation, lattice parameters and crystal quality in crystalline materials (X-ray diffraction) and thickness, density or roughness of thin...
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