Nova NanoSEM 450
Nova NanoSEM 450 provides high resolution imaging in scanning mode using different detectors. Equipped with in-column secondary electrons detector (TLD-SE) and beam deceleration, it allows to provide high quality images even at the lowest acceleration voltages.
The microscope can operate under low-vacuum conditions, which allows avoiding metallization of non-conducting samples. Images are recorded using the LV-BSE (GAD) detector. A retractable annular back-scattereded electrons (CBS-BSE) as well as a XEDS detector (100 mm2) are also available.
The microscope is also equipped with a STEM detector (BF, DF and HAADF).
Image acquisition:
- Resolution in high vacuum mode: 0.8 nm @ 30 kV (STEM), 1.0 nm @ 15 kV (TLD-SE), 1.4 nm @ 1 kV (TLD-SE) without beam deceleration and 4.0 nm @ 100 V (CBS)
- Resolution in low vacuum mode: 1.5 nm @ 10 kV (GAD) and 1.8 nm @ 3 kV (GAD)
- Beam deceleration available in the +50, -4000 V range
Chemical composition analysis:
- XEDS maps, profiles and spot modes.
Morphological analysis of samples using the 5-axis stage.
- Schottky Field Emission Gun (FEGSEM)
- Everhardt-Thornley SED.
- Through-the-lens SE detector (TLD-SE).
- Retractable back-scattered electron detector (CBS-BSE).
- Low-vacuum SE detector (LVD).
- Low-vacumm back-scattered electron detector (GAD).
- STEM detector (BF, DF and HAADF).
- XEDS detector (100 mm2).