by ELECMI | Jan 10, 2025 | EQUIPMENTS, TEM, LMA - Zaragoza
The Tecnai T20 (Thermofisher company) is a versatile Transmission Electron Microscope for the analysis and characterization in Material Science or Life Science. The working voltages in this microscope are 80 and 200 kV, and it is equipped with cryo-blades and low-dose...
by ELECMI | Dec 13, 2023 | EQUIPMENTS, Unique Equipment, TEM, UMEAP - Barcelona
Electron Microscope JEM ARM200cF The JEOL JEM ARM200cF located at the National Centre for Electron Microscopy (CNME) is unique in Spain. This microscope features make it particularly suitable to study structural, chemical and electronic properties of materials at...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Equipment, TEM, UMEAP - Barcelona, TEM, Other Equipment, UMEAP - Barcelona, EQUIPMENTS
Sample preparation laboratory Cryo Laboratory for the preparation of samples for study in the transmission electron microscope, both at ambient temperature and in cryogenic conditions, enabling the replacement of the ice of the cryo-immobilized sample with an organic...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | TEM, UMEAP - Barcelona, EQUIPMENTS, Other Equipment
Sample preparation laboratory TEM MAT Sample preparation in order to obtain a small enough thickness for observation in the transmission electron microscope is a key step in obtaining optimal results. In the case of nanoscale objects (nanoparticles, nanowires, etc.)...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Equipment, TEM, UMEAP - Barcelona
Jeol EM J1010 The transmission electron microscope Jeol EM J1010 100 kV allows good balance between resolution power and contrast. It can be used to work with biological or polymeric samples at room temperature. USES OF THE EQUIPMENT Image acquisition of biological or...
by Elecmi | Aug 11, 2020 | Other Equipment, TEM, UMEAP - Barcelona, EQUIPMENTS
FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit TWIN The transmission electron microscope FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit 120 kV allows good balance between resolution power and contrast. It can be used to work with biological or polymeric samples, at room temperature and at cryogenic condition. USES OF...
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