by ELECMI | Oct 15, 2024 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
ESFOSCAN Type of equipment ESFOSCAN is a photoelectron spectroscope capable of performing chemical and elemental analysis using X-Ray Electron Spectroscopy (XPS), also known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA). Equipment Description ESFOSCAN...
by ELECMI | Feb 8, 2024 | SPM, LMA - Zaragoza, EQUIPMENTS, Other Equipment, EQUIPMENTS
Nano-Observer Scanning Probe Microscopies are key enabling techniques in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, supporting a wide range of multidisciplinary activities. The LMA hosts various multipurpose AFM/STM heads that cover a broad range of applications under near...
by ELECMI | Dec 13, 2023 | EQUIPMENTS, Unique Equipment, TEM, UMEAP - Barcelona
Electron Microscope JEM ARM200cF The JEOL JEM ARM200cF located at the National Centre for Electron Microscopy (CNME) is unique in Spain. This microscope features make it particularly suitable to study structural, chemical and electronic properties of materials at...
by Elecmi | Jun 7, 2022 | SEM & DUAL BEAM, DME Cádiz, EQUIPMENTS, Unique Equipment
High throughput Dual Beam (Ar+ ions and electrons) FIB-FEGSEM station for SEM characterization of materials and life-science samples (including secondary, backscattered and STEM imaging; XEDS microanalysis and EBSD), TEM/STEM sample preparation from bulk...
by Elecmi | Aug 13, 2020 | EQUIPMENTS, Other Techniques, UMEAP - Barcelona
RAMAN LABRAM HR 800 Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a molecular technique that provides in a few minutes chemical and structural information of almost any solid phase, liquid and gas material thus allowing its identification. This technique also allows obtaining chemical...
by Elecmi | Aug 13, 2020 | Other Equipment, SPM, UMEAP - Barcelona, EQUIPMENTS
LEICA DCM3D-confocal/Interferometric The Leica DCM 3D system with dual core technology has been designed for fast, non-invasive assessment of micro and nano structures of technical surfaces, in multiple configurations. The DCM 3D combines confocal and interferometry...
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