Sample preparation laboratory TEM MAT
Sample preparation in order to obtain a small enough thickness for observation in the transmission electron microscope is a key step in obtaining optimal results. In the case of nanoscale objects (nanoparticles, nanowires, etc.) it is necessary to disperse them on a support grid covered with a carbon membrane. In the case of bulk materials, thin films or functional devices, a cutting and thinning procedure is needed. Starting with a mechanical flat polishing, samples are finally thinned up to electron transparency in the desired geometry with argon ion milling systems.
- Preparation of powder samples or suspended nanoobjects (nanoparticles, nanowires, etc).
- Preparation of bulk materials (metals, alloys, geological specimens).
- Preparation of samples from thin films in cross section or planar view geometries.
- Fischione 1010 ion milling System
- Gatan PIPS ion milling system
- Fischione 1020 plasma cleaning system
- Struers LaboPol5 8’’ polisher
- Pace Technologies Nano 1200T 12’’ polisher
- Pace Technologies Pico 155P precision cutter
- Tripode polishing supports
- Gatan Disc Grinders
- Inverted microscope
- Binocular loupe with CCD camera and tablet