Bruker D8 Venture
X-ray single crystal diffractometer with double Cu and Mo radiation, four circles goniometer, 2D detector and 90 to 400 K temperature control
Crystal structure determination of new synthesis materials
- Air cooled refrigerated X-ray generators for Mo and Cu radiations: 0-50kV; 0-2 mA
- X-ray ceramic tubes for Mo and Cu microbeam sources, maximum 50 kV
- Microbeam Mo and Cu sources. Multilayer mirrors Quazar optics. Size of the beam on the sample: 0.11 mm for Mo; 0.15 mm for Cu. Beam divergence: 5 mrad for Mo; 4.2 mrad for Cu
- Kappa geometry four circles horizontal goniometer
- CCD video microscope. LED sample lightening
- X,Y,Z goniometric head
- Photon II CPAD X-ray Detector: 2D 10×14 cm2; 768×1024 pixels; pixel size 135 m; 30 to 240 mm sample-detector distance
- N2 liquid low temperature system Kryoflex II 90-400 K , dry air annular flux; automatic charge of the internal 60 l dewar through the external presuraized 150 l tank