AFM Multimode8 Nanoscope V
Equipment Description
- Its success is based on its superior resolution and performance, its versatility and its proven track record of productivity and reliability.
- Bruker’s new Peak Force Tapping™ technology has enabled new unique modes of operation that deliver new information.
- Superior ease of use, increased throughput and new levels of speed and productivity.
- Easier quality expert results
- New quantitative imaging modes
- Bruker’s exclusive ScanAsyst® mode offers automatic functions. Optimises the image for faster, more consistent results. Continuously adjusts scan rate, set point and gains for higher image quality and allows imaging in liquids. ScanAsyst continuously monitors tip-sample interaction force, eliminating set-point drift. PeakForce QNM® allows direct mapping of nanomechanical properties, including elastic modulus, adhesion and dissipation.
- The MultiMode 8 AFM is equally well suited for imaging in both air and fluid
- Heating to 250°C with temperature control accessories
- Atomic resolution
- A large variety of standard operating modes and many unique capabilities enable the MultiMode 8 AFM system to characterize everything from mechanical to electrical properties
- Surgface Morphology . Topography with sub-nanometer resolution.
- Electrical measurements (c-AFM). Determination of local electrical resistance.
- Mechanical Properties (QNM Peakforce). Quantitative maps on the properties of elasticity, adhesion, hardness, energy dissipation and surface deformation.
- Local electrical potential (KPM). Qualitative measurements of local load distribution.
- Magnetic properties (MFM). Analysis of the magnetic properties of the sample under the action of a magnetic field.
- Force spectroscopy for the measurement of inter and intra-molecular forces, with a resolution of 1 pN.
- Studies at different temperatures. The behavior of the sample between 250 K and 500 K can be analyzed.
- All kinds of samples, from materials to bio. From solid to liquid. from metals to plastics and ceramics
- Ambiente: Aire, líquido y electroquímica.
- Rango temperatura: [-35 hasta 200] ˚C
- Rango piezos: 150 µm x 150 µm x 5 µm2
- Campo magnético/Magnetic Field: Yes
- Propiedades mecánicas: Yes