Sample preparation laboratory Cryo
Laboratory for the preparation of samples for study in the transmission electron microscope, both at ambient temperature and in cryogenic conditions, enabling the replacement of the ice of the cryo-immobilized sample with an organic solvent for later inclusion in resin, obtaining sections of samples for its observation in the transmission electron microscope.
- Cryo-immobilization of samples in suspension for observation in the electron microscope under cryogenic conditions
- Cryo-immobilization of samples in suspension or fragments
- Replacement of ice from the cryo-immobilized sample with an organic solvent for later inclusion in resin
- Vitrobot Mark III
- Leica HPM 100
- Leica AFS 2
- Cryomicrotome Leica UC6/FC6
- Cryomicrotome Leica UC7/FC7
- Cryogenic chamber FC6 / FC7 can be attached to sections in cryogenic conditions