The 4th ELECMI International Workshop, chaired by PhD Juan Francisco Sangüesa and Prof. Francesca Peiró (Director and Scientific Coordinator of the node of CCiTUB, University of Barcelona), will be an in-person meeting for all researchers interested in electron and scanning probe microscopy techniques. Reputed international speakers and researchers from ELECMI, working at the forefront of technical and methodological developments in the field, will present their latest results aiming to illustrate the potential of these microscopy techniques as an essential tool for both materials and soft matter characterisation at ultimate spatial, energy or time resolutions.
Deadline for registration: 10th October 2022
Register here and check the programme:http://www.ccit.ub.edu/elecmi4/
Info: elecmiub@ccit.ub.edu
Facultad de Física, Universitat de Barcelona
Aula Magna Enric Cassasses
c/ Martí i Franquès, 1
08028 Barcelona
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ccitub